Frequently asked questions about the Crescent Homes

1. Who can rent here?

  • low income seniors who can live independently. Income less than $26,000 annually

2. How often do units become available?

  • not often, but in the recent past is has varied between none and 3 units a year.

3. Can I grow a garden?

  • There is outdoor flower bed space at each unit, but beyond that, no work can be done on the grounds without written permission of the board.

4. Other costs?

  • Electricity (BC Hydro) is the responsibility  of the tenant, as is telephone, cable and internet service. Tenants must purchase contents insurance.

5. What are the units like?

  • Most are duplexes of about 400 square feet. Technically studio suites, they have a separated sleeping area, and washroom with a walk-in shower. They each have a nice patio area, and there are 4 units which are larger one-bedroom units.

 6. Are pets allowed?

  • Currently, no pets are allowed at Crescent Homes. Visiting pets are welcome, in accordance with the rules in the visiting pets policy

7. Can I park a car here? 

  • One parking spot is provided for each unit, and there are a few visitor only spots in the complex